3rd Functional Polymeric Materials Conference (July 2017, Italy) – “Synthesis of Polymer Grafted Brushes from PolyHIPEs for Bioconjugation of Lectins”
RSC Macro Group Young Researchers Meeting – (April 2010, UK) – Covalent Enzyme Immobilization onto Emulsion-Templated Porous Polymers.
2nd North East Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC) Symposium – “Sustainable Chemical Processes” (June 2009, UK) - Covalent Enzyme Immobilization onto Emulsion-Templated Porous Polymers
International Workshop “Macroporous polymers” (May 2009, UK) - Covalent Enzyme Immobilization onto Emulsion-Templated Porous Polymers
Oral Presentations
Poster Presentations
Bordeaux Polymer Conference (Upcoming in May 2018) - "Co-Polypeptide Films Crosslinked via Triazolinedione (TAD) chemistry"
Gordon Research Conference: Polymers (June 2017, USA) – “Synthesis of Polymer Grafted Brushes from PolyHIPEs for Bioconjugation of Lectins”
252th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting (August 2016, USA) – “Synthesis of Grafted Polymer Brushes from Polymerised High Internal Phase Emulsions for Bioconjugation of Biomolecules”
The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) Applied Polymer Science Group Meeting (September 2010, UK) – “Emulsion-Templated Porous Polymers”
Soft Matter/Polymer Symposium (July 2010, UK) – “Covalent Enzyme Immobilization onto Emulsion Templated Porous Polymers”
MACRO 2010 43rd IUPAC World Polymer Congress – Polymer Science in the Service of Society (July 2010, UK) – “Covalent Enzyme Immobilization onto Emulsion Templated Porous Polymers”
RSC Perkin Division Northeast Region Organic Chemistry Symposium – (April 2010, UK) – “Covalent Enzyme Immobilization onto Emulsion Templated Porous Polymers”
Polymer IRC Spring Meeting (March 2010, UK) – “Covalent Enzyme Immobilization onto Emulsion-Templated Porous Polymers”
238th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting (August 2009, USA) – “Covalent Enzyme Immobilization onto Emulsion-Templated Porous Polymers”
42nd IUPAC Congress – Chemistry Solutions (August 2009, UK) – “Covalent Enzyme Immobilization onto Emulsion-Templated Porous Polymers”.
RSC Symposium - Advances in Biocatalysis (April 2009, UK) – “Covalent Enzyme Immobilization onto Emulsion-Templated Porous Polymers”